Thursday, August 20, 2020

Irony Alert: Trump Has Repeatedly Claimed His Tweets Are "The Official Actions" Of The White House...

. . .but this morning, he petitioned the US Supreme Court, for a review -- of multiple lower courts' decisions which say, as an official White House communication device (one by which he claims to have used, in many cases, as the exclusive means of appointing people, under the APA, and firing other people -- and taking various executive actions -- instead of APA paperwork). . . he cannot block or mute other Twitter users, since he admits he's a state actor (on that account), and US citizens have an Amendment, First. . . right to inspect (and comment upon) the actions of this (such as he is) "Commander" in Chief. [That perforce they cannot do, if he has blocked them from reading them.]

In sum, Trump doesn't want his widdle fee-fees to to be upset, by injections of truth serum-by-tweet. He will lose -- again. But this guy. . . is shameless.

Here is his 187 page cert. petition. It is. . . in a word. . . preposterous.

Come on swift wings now, oh ye November Third, in the Year of Our Lord. . . 2020.


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