Thursday, July 30, 2020

Update In Flores Class Litigation: Able Judge Gee Rules Minors Are Being Well-Represented By Competent Counsel...

Although offered with the best of intentions, a group of new lawyers, and their class members, asked USDC Judge Dolly Gee to let them intervene in the litigation, to press more forcefully (as they saw it) for immediate release of about 100 remaining minors still in custody.

Overnight, the able judge has issued an eight page opinion and order, explaining why that cannot happen -- and, perhaps more importantly. . . why it should not. Here's a bit -- but do read it all, for the "Wisdom of Solomon", there appearing:

. . . .Proposed Plaintiff Intervenors’ unparalleled insight into the daily realities and needs of Class Members and adults in FRCs is invaluable to the Class Members, the parties, the Court, and the Independent Monitor. The legal service providers may continue to file amici curiae and present much-needed facts and legal arguments before the Court, including in response to the proposed advisals and the know-your-rights protocol should the parties ultimately agree upon them. Class Counsel remain open to counsel for Proposed Plaintiff Intervenors joining further meet-and-confers with the parties and the Independent Monitor regarding the know-your-rights advisals and protocol. Proposed Plaintiff Intervenors may also request bond hearings or file individual suits to review their custody status under Paragraph 24 of the FSA. . . .

Given the history of this litigation and the remarkable results of Class Counsel’s advocacy from the inception of this action 35 years ago through the onset of the pandemic, the Court finds that Class Counsel have provided more than adequate representation and that Proposed Plaintiff Intervenors’ interests will not be impaired by denying their application to intervene as of right at this time. . . .

To be certain, there is still much work to be done, in the months and years ahead -- to recover from the monstrous Trump policy of kidnapping children (and forcefully separating them from their parents or guardians) at the border. We trust that all these lawyers will lock arms, in unity -- to achieve that end.

Onward, grinning at the morning sky, from which a beautifully long legged, graceful visitor now departs, on a six month journey into the dark void -- to arrive in February 2021, near Valentines, at an equally beautiful copper hued planet. . . .


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