Thursday, July 16, 2020

Trump Financials Update: There Was A "Live" [Virtual] Hearing In Federal Court, In Manhattan, This Morning...

Per this press outlet / blogger's summary of this morning's status hearing, we were made aware of a new detail, on the law, in the Mazars case. [With yesterday's backgrounder, here.]

And I think DA's office is right about this: after the Supreme Court decision of last week, it is likely that Trump lacks any standing now -- to object to a subpoena duly issued, to Mazars LLP -- a third party. In sum, Trump is going to lose -- it is now just a question of how quickly. . . .

The lawyers for Trump suggested they will shortly file an amended complaint about the subpoena to Mazars -- on or before July 27, 2020 (per the prior order).

The DA's office said it would then quickly move to dismiss that to-be amended complaint.

And. . . we will of course keep the readership posted, but Condor confidently predicts the DA will win on a motion to dismiss Trump's amended complaint (sight unseen!), Smile. . . .


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