Friday, June 26, 2020

The Human Health Price, Of Ignoring Science -- In Epidemiology...

This, when coupled to a president who cannot "science" -- at all. . . one who intentionally chooses no coherent policy, over just minute to minute, shoot from the hip, gut "instincts". . . and we have achieved the worst record on the planet -- bar none -- in managing our outbreak, even though we are (theoretically, at least) the most "over-resourced" nation on Earth.

Governors Abbott and DeSantis (both of whom earlier mocked Illinois', and later, New York's. . . efforts -- both of which are seeing flat to declining totals now) bear much of the blame here, for killing excessive numbers of their own citizens. . . but the fish rots from the head. And Trump's head is absolutely. . . rotten. From Politico, then -- a bit:

. . . .A pair of GOP governors on Friday moved to impose new mitigation measures in their states amid record numbers of new coronavirus infections, with both Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ordering bars closed and Texas placing new restrictions on other businesses the governor said were linked to the virus's resurgence.

Texas and Florida are among around a dozen other states that have hit the brakes on reopening their economies amid a resurgence of the virus across the South and West affecting more than half of the states in the country. . . .

This is the same as closing the gate, after the elephant has rumbled out -- through its gaping opening. The magnitude of this tragedy is compounded by the fact that it was COMPLETELY foreseeable, and thus. . . avoidable. Disgusting.


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