Friday, June 12, 2020

Deep, Deep Geo-Science: I Just Thought This Was... Cool. Pinging -- Via Little Earthquakes -- Flowing Like... Molten Syrup

I won't unduly belabor this, but it seems there are large swirling structures -- previously unknown -- near the Earth's core, revealed only by vibrations, near the hot center -- as CGI-imaged at right, in the online journal run by [The newly-revealed mega structure lies over a thousand miles below the surface of our warm, and relatively languid. . . Pacific Ocean.]

These structures were defined by closely observing seismic waves moving at ultra-low velocity, as compared to the surrounding magma, and hint at Australia-sized regions which differ from the relatively uniform, smooth, hot and dense molten rock -- that makes up our magma layers.

These so-called "sheer wave echoes", from earthquakes, acted much as sonar might, on the surface -- with velvet fingers -- to map. . . regions of slow travel through the near core. Here's a bit -- from the full article (do go read it all):

. . . .Using a machine learning algorithm called Sequencer, the researchers analyzed 7,000 seismograms from hundreds of earthquakes (in yellow, as stars on the map) of 6.5 magnitude and greater occurring around the Pacific Ocean basin from 1990 to 2018. Sequencer was developed by the new study's co-authors from Johns Hopkins University and Tel Aviv University to find patterns in radiation from distant stars and galaxies. When applied to seismograms from earthquakes, the algorithm discovered a large number of shear wave echoes. . . .

Once again, we see that just perhaps, the most mystical and thus important activity -- oft' revealing deep currents... is via the occasional ping of one sort, or another. Smiling widely now. . . as Bitcoin remains around $9,400.

Onward -- sunny and cool -- with mountain biking ahead. And all is well, with my soul.


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