Tuesday, June 9, 2020

And, SETI Joins In -- #ShutdownSTEM -- Tomorrow...

Find out more. . . here -- and a bit:

. . . .Throughout the country and around the world people are taking to the streets, the airwaves and digital platforms to stand up for social justice and racial equality in the wake of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. At the SETI Institute, we are devastated by this act of brutality, but also moved by the increased focus it has placed on hundreds of years of brutality, oppression and inequality that continue to this day. . . .

It’s no secret that Black scientists are underrepresented in the scientific community. Simply acknowledging that fact isn’t enough. It’s time to take concrete action to make positive change.

Tomorrow, June 10, 2020, a grassroots action, #ShutDownSTEM is taking place throughout the scientific community. This is an opportunity for those of us who are not Black, and especially those of us who are white, to educate ourselves, listen to members of the Black community, reflect upon the role we play in perpetuating racism and come up with a plan to take action. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the social injustice perpetuated across the broader spectrum of minority groups in our country as well.

At the SETI Institute we are encouraging everyone in our community to allow time in their schedules tomorrow to listen, read, think and engage with #ShutDownSTEM. We encourage the broader scientific community to do the same, and we wholeheartedly support the efforts of countless organizations the world over who are also participating.

We invite your ideas for how we can move forward to build an equitable and inclusive community. . . .

Indeed. Onward. . . feeling. . . brighter.


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