Thursday, May 7, 2020

Simple Damning Facts: Trump Said On Video Flynn "Lied" To Pence -- About Being A Foreign Agent, While Getting Named US National Security Advisor

I don't give a damn about Bill Barr's late arriving gray-wash of the matter. [Don't lose. . . the over-arching truth here.]

The man [Flynn] was -- by his own written admissions -- and materially false required government disclosures about foreign payments -- lying to VP Pence. . . while National Security Advisor, for Trump. He was on the payroll of a "frenemy" government -- one that attacked US troops. Trump said he fired Flynn for lying -- to Pence. It is on video.

Oh, and he pled guilty twice to lying to federal agents. That was to avoid the above, near-treason charges.

So, no I don't give a crap about Barr's craven politics here. Both of these men are guilty -- guilty of crimes against our nation.

Out -- fast; and furious.



Anonymous said...

But, will the judge agree to Burr's position?

condor said...

We shall see, Anon.

Sadly, the able USDC, DC Judge Emmett Sullivan would need to name a special prosecutor to continue the matter on his own order.

Not impossible. . . but certainly a rare. . . bird.

Namaste. . . .

condor said...

BTW, I love that you called him "Burr" -- as in the traitor who shot A. Hamilton.

Nice turn!


Anonymous said...

Oh...I wish I could say 'I planned it.' A finger slip.....

be safe