Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Some Encouraging News -- On A COVID-19 Treatment -- From An Earlier Gilead Entity...

We don't want to get out over our skis here -- but this is potentially very good news.

Gilead has a previously-cleared as safe anti-viral heading into FDA monitored Phase 3 trials now, on an emergency / expedited basis -- against the current iteration of the coronavirus -- called COVID-19. We will keep a good thought -- but here is the story, from my good friends at STAT+:

. . . .Gilead’s remdesivir, an intravenous treatment, has already been used to treat one infected patient in the U.S. and will soon be deployed in a pair of large, late-stage studies in Asia. Later this month, Gilead will recruit about 1,000 patients diagnosed with the coronavirus to determine whether multiple doses of remdesivir can reverse the infection. The primary goals are reducing fever and helping patients get out of the hospital within two weeks. The drug, which [was] previously [tried] on Ebola virus [with mixed results], is also being studied in smaller trials in China and the U.S. . . .

And nowas we head about our day in the sunshine here, we will keep the good people affected by the tornados in Middle Tennessee in our. . . meditations. . . be safe, and be excellent, to one another. Onward, smiling. . . ever, onward. be excellent, to one another. Onward, smiling. . . ever, onward.


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