Saturday, February 29, 2020

As Ever -- EmptyWheel Is The Clear "Go To" Source -- On All Matters Roger Stone...

During the past week, the able USDC Judge Amy Berman-Jackson held hearings [some in a cleared courtroom; some in open court] to determine [in part] exactly how clearly secret grand jury-, and sealed-by-court-order- juror questionnaire information was transmitted -- in violation of the rights of privacy of the long serving jurors. . . to right wing 'news' outlets. [Of course, the jurors have a right to anonymity, and to be free of harassment for having done their duties diligently.]

Marcy tells it all so well (with a classic tongue in cheek delivery) -- do go read hers, here. But one might even feel sorry for these crooks -- as they are their own worst enemies. So deliciously. . . inept.

As I say, do go read her masterful re-telling of these chuckle-headed tales -- of "fly unzipped" press conferee- and serial frauster moron leaks of documents that were all but certainly sourced from inside Stone's own criminal defense team -- in direct violation [by someone] of a standing and explicit federal court order. There is disbarrment and perhaps jail time, ahead -- if any of his lawyers were in any way involved in the "leak". If it were a lay jury consultant, that person too may face. . . jail time.

. . . .Yesterday, Jack Burkman (he of the press conference with his fly down) and Jacob Wohl (he of the precocious financial fraud) had a press conference at CPAC. . . to spew disinformation. . . .

This is going to make it easier to identify the potential sources for this document, something that ABJ was already trying to do in the hearing earlier this week.

There is a concerted effort on the part of the frothy right to violate every single norm of jury service, all to discredit a slam-dunk case against Roger Stone that even Bill Barr said was righteous. And for once these shithole hoaxsters may have done some good — in the form of helping the FBI figure out who’s behind it all. . . .

I love it when criminal elements are just too "stoopid". . . to avoid "outing" their own handlers. Onward, to a workout now -- with a wide grin. . . .


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