Friday, February 7, 2020

A Highly-Compressed Wave-Form, Now Echoing: Coronavirus Vaccine (Months) Vs. Ebola Efforts (Decades)...

To be fair, one cannot grow up a reliable vaccine, until the targeted virus is imaged, and sequenced, and known -- with great specificity.

So it would take time, in any event. Loading that specific sequence of [killed] DNA proteins into a simian or bovine encapsulated viral shell, if you will, is now the likely preferred approach -- to Corona- 2020. That said, the Ebola virus protein structure [and this approach] was well known [at least in Canada], since the late 1970s. . . but a vaccine wasn't finished until 2014.

Contrast that with Novel Corona -- just isolated a few months ago, but the work is already well-underway at JNJ, Merck-partner Moderna, the NIH and elsewhere. . . to solve the vaccine puzzle and arrest this outbreak.

[As a side bar, it seems former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD is at least obliquely criticizing the efforts of Seema Verna, at HHS -- on speed of response, this time around.] In any event, see this, as an example of the typical MSM reporting:

. . . .[T]here are several other groups working on vaccines tailored to the new coronavirus. One team, from the National Institutes of Health and Moderna drug company, is also leveraging the similarities between the viruses and using other previous research toward a SARS vaccine as a template. (“I call it plug and play,” the lead scientist told the New York Times.) Will any of these end up working?

It will take a while to figure out -- potentially longer than the new virus sticks around. Indeed, Hotez’s SARS vaccine is something of a warning of what happens to a promising vaccine once the issue at hand goes out of vogue: The funding dries up, and the vaccine goes to the back of the refrigerator. . . .

We will find the answer here -- and it is true that commerce -- trade with China [now threatened] is vastly larger, on a global scale -- than trade with the DRC, Guinea or Sierra Leone. . . but that doesn't make it. . . right. Onward, out into the sunshine here. Thinking of Albert, now five years, passed. . . . slightly sad, but a grin, for a full life. . . . Grin. . . .


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