Tuesday, February 11, 2020

A Better Barometer -- Of CV Disease/Event Risk: "Push-Up" Max Capacity...

For most of my adult life, the "go to" measure -- for assessing CV event risk has been the jogging/treadmill stress test. That's all fine, as far as it goes [and I've always scored in the top five per cent, on that metric. . .] but this new study really lets me feel. . . sanguine, and yet solid.

It seems that people who cannot do ten pushups of any kind, are at a 96 per cent greater risk of CV disease / events than those who can do 40, in one go. Here's the bit:

. . . .[A] study published in the JAMA Network Open recently became the first to identify [lower] push-up capacity as a preemptive correlate of poor heart health. . . .

[R]esearchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health [found] that middle-aged men who can complete 40 push-ups or more in a single try evidence a reduced risk of developing deadly cardiovascular diseases compared to individuals who can complete no more than ten push-ups in a single try. . . .

At seventy five every day [plus biking, swimming and weight-lifting]. . . I think I'm now good for another. . . 75 or so years, exploring this orb and spinning 'round.

". . .We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring, will be to arrive where we started and know the place, for the first time." -- T.S. Eliot


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