Friday, October 4, 2019

Trump Won't Try To Modify Flores Consent's Nationwide Permanent Injunction -- "At This Time."

Today was the day the government had to indicate which parts of the Trump proposed rule it might want to try to salvage, in the face of Judge Gee's permanent injunction.

It seems Team Trump knows its beaten. Here's the answer Trump just offered [in text, and as a four page PDF]:

. . . .After further review of the Court’s Order and Permanent Injunction and consultation with the affected agencies, Defendants have conferred with Plaintiffs’ counsel and now advise the Court that Defendants do not intend to seek partial implementation of the rule under footnote 17 at this time. . . .

Dated: October 4, 2019. . . .

Good news, for the continued vitality of the US rule of law -- and for basic human decency -- toward all the people, grown or not so, who lack documents -- at our borders. What the lady in the harbor promises -- it will be so, again.


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