Wednesday, September 11, 2019

O/T: Remember Microsoft's "Bob" -- In 1995? This Will Likely End... Much The Same...

Or, if you prefer... "A Tale Of... TWO Bobs":

If you are not old enough to remember Microsoft's Bob... don't Google it. It isn't... worth it. It lasted about one year in '95 / '96....

Trust me -- that it was a quirky, buggy, largely failed "virtual assistant", for your then-hulking desktop.

This new "BOB" is a smartphone with a blockchain 'hard wired' dapp... embedded in it.

"Because... who doesn't need to lose both their smart phone, and their entire crypto-bank roll, along with all their stored data -- all in one easily convenient... mishap?!"


Do read it all, at CoinDesk:

...“BOB marks a big step forward in our mission of creating a Blockchain Internet, a fully decentralized network where every piece of data shared is under the owner’s control. More importantly, BOB gives a sneak peek of a world powered entirely by blockchain technology, where everyone has control over their own data and everything is executed with the expectations of immutability and transparency....”

Uh-huh. Let us be clear. No one will ever own or control all their own data -- ever again. That genie is way out of that particular bottle, never to be re-corked....

Yup. Smells... like hype... to me.



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