Monday, September 23, 2019

"Might It Be... Marburg?" Either Way, World Health Organization Needs To Know...

Even given the fragile economies in central Africa, we must reiterate our weekend plea: we -- the entire human race -- we need much more verifiable transparency, from the officials inside Tanzania. One semi-informed guess (if it is not Ebola)?

If the screen indeed returned a negative for Ebola proper, did the (local, secret) Tanzanian lab screen for. . . Marburg? Marburg's last broke out in 2017-18, in neighboring Uganda, where the index case doctor last visited.

Here's the latest, from the (UK) Guardian reporting, overnight:

. . . .Alarm was raised earlier this month when a woman, understood to be a doctoral candidate who sources say had been doing field research in Tanzania and Uganda, fell ill and died in Dar es Salaam.

Although Tanzania has insisted that its own tests showed negative for the Ebola virus, international health organisations have raised the alarm about not being given access to samples. . . .

[A]s several more reported cases [in Tanzania] emerged, including the initial patient’s sister, Tanzania’s response to the issue has prompted alarm about the country’s willingness to share either its test results or allow secondary testing of samples.. . .

It is simply life-threatening, to potentially millions of people inside Tanzania, for the government not to come clean, here.

Marburg. . . Ebola. . . or none of the above -- no aid may lawfully, under treaties, flow -- until the actual reference lab results are known. We will meditate on a better, higher vision -- out of the Tanzanian government officials here. So. . . onward.

Meanwhile, below is a new monthly feature we will host: here is the latest numerical look at the current outbreak in the DRC, from WHO:


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