At several of his rallies, explicit permission had been given, on video -- by Trump himself, most recently, in the Florida panhandle. . . to "do something". . . and "get away" with shooting "invaders" [from Mexico].
All this blood is on his, and McConnell's hands. Directly the proximate result of their "policies" [and maddening inaction]. Here's the latest:
. . . .Saturday’s rampage appeared to be a hate crime, and police cited a manifesto they attributed to the suspect as evidence that the bloodshed was racially motivated.
A state prosecutor said they will seek the death penalty for the suspect, Patrick Crusius, 21, of Allen, Texas.
The U.S. attorney for the western district of Texas, John Bash, said federal authorities were treating the massacre as a case of domestic terrorism.
“And we’re going to do what we do to terrorists in this country, which is to deliver swift and certain justice,” Bash told reporters at a news conference on Sunday.
He said the attack appeared “to be designed to intimidate a civilian population, to say the least. . . .”
Obviously, Trump's border insanity [as we've long documented]. . . factors in, here.
During the day Sunday, while Trump was golfing [again!], someone was deleting all his tweets that reference "invaders" -- since the exact same phrasing was used in both manifestos, in Gilroy and El Paso, by the two young white identity domestic terrorists / hate crime perpetrators.
In the law, that is powerful evidence of. . . a guilty mind. Spent much of this cool evening on the lake shore. . . meditating. . . for a better tomorrow, per the image at right, above -- and the 50 second video, below.
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