Tuesday, August 27, 2019

SNARK: Good Thing Dotard Donnie Only Wants "Best And Brightest" Student Immigrant Visas Granted.

I simply am. . . fresh out of superlatives, for this Trumpian. . . crippling cruelty -- coupled to self-damaging national lunacy.

A great kid, by all accounts, at the top of his class in Lebanon -- a true standout, arrives at Logan with a "golden ticket" -- an admission to Harvard, and a competed and issued student visa. [Say his name: Ismail B. Ajjawi.]

Trump's team of goons question him for eight hours about his religion, while searching his laptop and phone -- and then, based on a few postings, by some of his social media contacts [i.e., not his own postings], deport him, revoking his visa.

Trump is literally knee-capping this country's lead in the sciences -- in addition to violating the oath of his office, and the promise of the Lady in the Harbor.



Anonymous said...

I'm sure you can find another superlative...especially based on this reporting:

Take the land, I will pardon you...Just unreal.

Anonymous said...

I can't think of the case, but I thought there was an Supreme Court ruling that government officials could be sued for torts if they broke the law. Even if they did so under direct orders from the President.

Also it strikes me that pardoning someone for possible violations of law including seizures and taking property without due process in possible violation of the Constitution is contrary its manifest tenor.

Considering what Hamilton said in Federalist No. 78.

“Limitations of this kind can be preserved in practice no other way than through the medium of courts of justice, whose duty it must be to declare all acts contrary to the manifest tenor of the Constitution void. Without this, all the reservations of particular rights or privileges would amount to nothing.”

I would expect the Supreme Court would overrule Trump based on original intent and preserving their authority.

Anonymous said...

Little v. Barreme