Sunday, July 28, 2019

[Space Science Sunday] JAXA Sticks A Perfect Ryugu "Bounce" [Onto An Asteroid] -- Collects A Return Sample...

On this Sunday, we are using Twitter to defend Elijah Cummings, and the fine people of Baltimore -- from a now two day onslaught, from a true "enemy" of the people -- not foreign, but sadly. . . domestic. An enemy at 1600 Pennsylvania.

An enemy looking to distract the nation -- from the vise-grip like walls of justice --now closing in, around him.

Thankfully, we have some lighter, more uplifting and positive [if off-planet] fare -- this Sunday. JAXA has shown NASA, ESA and the world "how it is done" -- when landing on a micro-gravity asteriod called Ryugu -- to collect some interior samples [by pogo-sticking an explosive charge], and bouncing gently back into orbit. Astonishingly perfect. . . space engineering: just as planned. The samples will return in a few years -- long, elliptical return orbit, at that. Do enjoy:

Onward -- be excellent to one another -- and ignore the dotard. He is one of a dying breed. . . of racists.


1 comment:

condor said...

Sometimes, his smallest lies are. . . the most aggravating.

I’ve switched the masthead, given that he lied right into the faces — of the heroic 9/11 first responders, gathered on the South Lawn, today.

Yes his racism is. . . by far, a greater sin. . . But it seems he lies most preposterously, when he’s around people he knows are braver, and far more respected, than he.

Namaste. . . New masthead tomorrow afternoon — but space theme seemed. . . appropriate.