Thursday, June 20, 2019

While We Wait: Yesterday Sarah Fabian Told The Ninth Circuit That "Sanitary and Safe" Means No Toothpaste, Soap, Blankets Or Bed. On Concrete Floors -- With Bright 24 Hour Overhead Lighting. No Sleep.

In the appeal on the most recent Flores settlement, yesterday -- on behalf of Donald Trump and William Barr, Sarah Fabian tried to say that the government did not regard it to be a lack of bedding, when forced to spend endless nights on meat locker cold concrete floors with only a foil wrapper -- and the bright lights left on 24/7. . . or, in fact, as anything worthy of the courts' attention.

I have cued up the video, at 24:20 in, so you may hear it for yourself as she argues "sanitary" does not require the provision of soap or toothpaste, either.

Yes -- for Ms. Fabian, Mr. Barr and Trump -- the cruelty is, in fact, the point:

Later in the argument, the panel suggested she should go back and rethink whether she shouldn't just drop her appeal. They are going to rule her clients have willfully violated the settlement.

And we the taxpayers [correctly, as a matter of law] are [eventually] highly likely to end up paying all these victims substantial damages, for that willful violation.

Thanks, Donald. Onward, to the wall funding argument, tonight at 5 PM EDT.


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