Saturday, June 8, 2019

It Is Not So Much That He Gaffes... Incessantly... Though That Is Certainly Worrisome...

I am only mildly concerned that the president links/thinks some rando who is not an NBA great [but tellingly, the real guy is one who made racist remarks, on TV, in the past] -- he claims -- played "backetball". Nor am I too worried that 45 eats only "hamburders".

I am a little more concerned that 45 wrote that the Moon is part of Mars.

Not so much for his obvious, inaccurate and unscientific lack of attention to details -- but because the rest of the tweet appears to back away from a NASA budget priority he set less than a year ago.

In truth then -- and the point of my post, humor aside: actually, I am most concerned that he is trying vainly to use 1880s style tariffs to (he thinks) bend the global economic powers to his will. He is manifestly failing at it, and has already likely assured a late 2019 recession -- the central question now is whether his idiocy triggers a. . . depression.


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