Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A Tragic -- Largely Avoidable -- DRC Ebola Milestone: Beyond 2,000 Cases, Now...

It is very difficult to. . . accept, that this current outbreak continues to accelerate -- in a time when we have a working vaccine, and some increasingly promising treatments. As ever, all epidemic control and eradication efforts. . . are intensely. . . local.

And this is a. . . very challenging locale. This comes overnight, this time from the BBC:

. . . .More than 2,000 cases of Ebola have been recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the last 10 months, officials have said.

Two thirds of the cases have been fatal, the health ministry added.

The outbreak in the east of DR Congo is the second biggest in history, with a significant spike in new cases noted in recent weeks.

But health workers' attempts to contain the outbreak has been hindered by mistrust and violence.

Despite the fact that more than 1,300 people have died of the disease since August, the charity Oxfam says its teams are meeting people every single day who still don't believe the virus exists, the BBC's Africa editor Will Ross reports. . . .

Now you know. Off to a warm and sunny Spring Tuesday here -- with court, later.


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