Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Oral Argument: Innovation Law Labs... It Did NOT Go Well -- For Trump's Claimed Expedited Removal "Protocol"

I am tardy in posting this oral argument. It runs over 58 minutes. The below is video, on YouTube, of the same audio feed linked here.

Here, Trump tried to trample on the rights of asylees to a hearing, by simply dropping them back in Mexico -- without regard to whether they were Guatemalan, Honduran, or Ecuadorian by birth or residence -- for just a few examples, in violation of 8 USC § 1225(b)(2) -- without asking if they had any "credible fear", of being dumped there.

The Ninth Circuit repeatedly hammered Team Trump about a US Supreme Court case decided last year, Jennings v. Rodriguez, 138 S. Ct. 830, 837 (2018), that simply negated Trump's supposed "view". They are toast. Stick a fork in them.

An asylee MUST be asked by the government -- if they have a credible fear, if returned. Trump says he alone, unlike any President in a half-century. . . may ignore required law. He says he need not even ask the asylee -- let alone hold the 8 USC § 1225(b)(2) required HEARING:

Now you know. Onward. In almost all cases, Trump is simply a lawless and generally. . . unthinking thug. A wanna' be dictator. We need to impeach.


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