Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A FIFTH Guatemalan Child Has Died, At The Border -- While In US Custody...

If one were to imagine what Trump might say or do, had five US children died in jails in Guatemala, in the last few months. . . .

One might get a sense of why it is so terribly. . . wrong that this administration doesn't even register a blip, as it effectively kills defenseless children with its border separations. He had been waiting a week, to see medical professionals. That is tantamount to. . . murder.

These child detentions are all unlawful. Here's a bit, from The New York Times:

. . . .A 16-year-old Guatemalan boy who officials said was sick with influenza was found dead at a Border Patrol station in South Texas on Monday morning, after a week of waiting in holding facilities to be sent to a shelter for migrant children. . . .

Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Vasquez, was the fifth migrant child — all of them from Guatemala — to die in Customs and Border Protection custody. . . .

Deplorable. This man -- his "policies" -- and his minions. . . are all deplorable.


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