Friday, April 19, 2019

UPDATE -- Unsurprising Ninth Circuit Opinion: California Retains The Right To Protect Humans Inside Its State Borders...

Just a brief note here (with more some other day, when I am not pressed by family matters), on an important Ninth Circuit decision just handed down -- one argued last year. This is our first formal mention of this case.

Unsurprisingly, the Ninth Circuit just confirmed this morning -- in a 54 page opinion -- that the State of California retains the right to supervise, and in some cases, regulate the treatment of humans within the state's borders, regardless of their documents.

So long as the state doesn't impose new economic burdens on US Border Patrol, and ICE, California may also require certain minimum standards for housing people picked up along the southern border -- standards it may impose upon the feds, inside California, at least. Now you know.

Go. . . be better to one another, than you really need to be. . . .


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