Wednesday, April 24, 2019

[U] Trump Held A Big "Agitprop" Event, This Afternoon -- Said He Would Hold Opiate Pharma Accountable. Right.

So. . . almost certainly foolishly, am I (in taking him at his word). . . and just on a whim -- I ran the FEC database, only since December 2018.

A PAC called the "Trump Victory Committee 2020" has accepted thousands of dollars from John Kapoor, personally, from his home address in Lake Forest, Illinois -- in Trumpian campaign contributions. I haven't even begun to look at his companies: Insys, among others. Mr. Kapoor is worth $1.8 billion -- the vast bulk of that is his 70 per cent holdings of Insys, the public company selling Subsys -- a sublingual fentanyl pharmaceutical.

You may recall that Mr. Kapoor is on trial for felonies, related to his companies' sales of opiates.

So -- that was about 20 seconds of, and googling. Someone should run down all the Sackler family donations to Trump -- and the 2017 Inaugural festivities donations. . . and the donations/spending by Trump and Melania charities. . .

And demand that Mr. Trump repay it all, and renounce it all. In all of 2019, to date, Trump has returned exactly zero dollars donated -- by anyone, for any reason.

If Trump is in fact serious about the opiate crisis, he ought to start by making a very public gesture -- not a presser -- he ought to return all donations from the alleged "kingpins."

[Please forgive me; I've slapped this together quickly; running to a charity dinner -- but you get the drift. Excuse my errors -- I imagine I've made a few -- I will clean them up tomorrow. I don't even know if Kapoor has been found guilty yet (there was a motion for a mistrial, for example -- and today, it seems jury deliberations continue). But I do know he makes an unimaginable amount every year, off of pharmaceutical grade fentanyl.]

Updated January 24, 2020: as my comment below indicates, Kapoor will do five years -- and the company [like the Sacklers' Purdue Pharma] has filed for bankruptcy protection. But it is absolutely clear that career AUSAs -- not any Trump appointee -- brought about this result. Trump continues to coddle these people -- and solicit their political donations, and shadow spending operations. End update.


1 comment:

condor said...

As a welcome addition to the fair and equal justice files, we read last night that
one John Kapoor has been sentenced to five and a half years, in a federal low security facility -- and. . .

then, we ask: when will the Sacklers be similarly brought to justice?

Namaste. . . .