Sunday, April 7, 2019

There May Be 47,000 Children(!) Who Were Impacted By Trump's "Zero Tolerance" Border Crimes...

As Sec. Nielsen is cashiered (out, as DHS chief), on a Sunday evening by Trump (reportedly for not being pliant enough -- for Stephen Miller's tastes -- in cruelly insane, lawless border actions), we thought it appropriate to cover this.

I've seen it nowhere else in the MSM. But as of Friday night in San Diego, a set of court filings in the Ms. L. federal class action settled case -- admits that the expanded dates for class inclusion, going back to July of 2017 -- may mean that as many as 47,000 refugee children were the victims of crimes by the US government's "zero tolerance" abomination.

[Previously, I foolishly guessed the number might be into the high hundreds. I was wrong. Deadly wrong.]

To be clear here, Ms. Nielsen, and Mr. Trump, and Stephen Miller (among dozens of others) committed crimes. The crimes were to willfully ignore controlling US law and treaties -- drawn specifically to protect the most vulnerable -- as they arrive at our borders. In any event, here is the agreed summary of "new plan" to identify how many of the 47,000 have claims -- and a declaration from the HHS agent working with ICE, to the effect that the government isn't lying (this time):

. . . .In short, Defendants would identify potential Ms. L. class members by identifying their children out of the total population of approximately 47,000 children discharged by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) during the class expansion period. Defendants would attempt to streamline and accelerate identification of children of potential Ms. L. class members by using programmatic knowledge, data analysis, and statistical science to try as best as practicable to segment the population based on the probability that the child’s parent is a Ms. L. class member. If successful, segmentation would enable Defendants to prioritize children for manual reviews of ORR case management records, which would confirm whether the child was, in fact, separated from a parent who is a Ms. L. class member for the class expansion period. . . .

Within approximately 12 weeks of plan activation, Defendants would begin consolidating information about any newly-identified possible child of a potential Ms. L. class member with information about the potential Ms. L. class member known to Defendants. Defendants would provide final, rolling lists to Class Counsel. The rolling lists would include basic information including the names and alien numbers of the children and their class member parents, and the parents’ last known contact information. Defendants estimate that identifying all possible children of potential Ms. L. class members referred to and discharged by ORR during the expansion period would take at least 12 months, and possibly up to 24 months. . . .

And so, it may take another two years -- to identify all the children harmed. I am simply dumb-struck -- by the magnitude of Trump's monstrosity.


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