Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday Frivolities Dept.: So... They Now Call College Kids Who Say "They're Leaving" The Party...

Apparently, at many colleges around the US now -- when a kid announces to friends present that s/he is "ready to leave" a less-than-stellar Friday night house party, on campus -- but then proceeds to linger for several more hours, well into the post 2 am time-frame. . .

They call that "Brexiting" the party. You. Just. Don't. Leave. [My more serious recent backgrounder, here.]

As 10 Downing Street seeks another delay -- this time (from the EU Commissioners) to June 30, 2019 -- I am bemusedly put in mind of the above -- which my Ph.D. candidate son shared, on his last trip through here.

[But now, in a derivative but serious fashion, here across the pond, I must pipe up: I fully expect the odious Candace Owens' unimaginatively named "BLEXIT" (which is, in fact, an "astroturfed" hard-right dark money / Kirk "faux-movement"). . . to endure a far more ignominious fate: it seems most sentient black folks are not, in fact, "exiting" the Democratic Party, to join Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Diamond and Silk. . . and Candace -- despite all the dark money being thrown at her disingenuous front group operation. This fake-movement will. . . simply die on the vine, into 2020.

You'll recall that she's the one who caused just a bit of a stir, when she said (at a public speaking engagement, no less!) there was "nothing wrong" with Hitler's politics (which she falsely called "nationalism"), so long as he stayed in Germany -- where he went wrong, she said -- was in trying "to grow beyond Germany's natural borders". Huh. That's a. . . fascinatingly false take. One spoon-fed to her by her dark money handlers. One she slurped right down. Now you know.] Nope. I won't link to her. You can G.T.S. it if you like -- "google that sh!t". And yes, I am saying small-minded xenophobia is the root of both movements -- Brexit, and Blexit.

Onward now, to a wonderful weekend ahead. . . Spring is simply singing to me here, now. Be excellent to one another.


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