Monday, March 11, 2019

A Detailed Timeline, On Each Of First Two Children Who Died -- In Border Patrol/ICE Custody This Winter...

For the first time, we have a carefully researched, and detailed time-stamped accounting of the two senseless deaths, due to inadequately urgent medical intervention (as we reported on the day after Christmas, 2018).

It comes to us (at page 23, et seq.) as part of the first 54 page report (filed March 6, 2019) by the independent monitor appointed by Judge Gee, in Los Angeles, last year. The court ordered an independently appointed monitor to track whether the Team Trump is/was complying with the Flores settlement terms -- in its actions at the southern border.

I won't quote that small four page portion -- but based on what is there revealed, it seems clear that these two children were failed by a callous, occasionally wanton ICE/BP/INS+DHS police force. Basic timely health care was not provided, by benign neglect, at a minimum.

. . . .Many of the children complained (credibly, at a private-for-profit-contractor-run custodial facility in Texas) that instead of edible food for breakfast, they were handed rock hard still frozen burritos, for several days in a row. . . . the consistent temperature inside the cells was just above 64 degrees. . . most were not provided sleeping mats or blankets, just a single mylar wrap. . . . [Editor's Note: and it goes on and on and on. . . .]

This, friends, is a textbook case of what it looks like. . . when one branch (the executive under Trump) communicates to its agents in the field -- by word, deed and omissions -- that there will be no consequences, for mistreating fellow human beings. Even if these fellow human beings are very young vulnerable children. And even if they occasionally die.

History has its eyes on you, 45. And it will not be kind.


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