Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Judge Tigar's Likely Briefing Schedule -- In East Bay Sanctuary TRO Proceedings...

Apparently, the Trumpian-team lawyers are (at the moment) taking the position that they have an option of controlling how much (if any) of an administrative record they submit, upon which Trump purportedly relied, in issuing this still-born proclamation -- despite clear rulings to the contrary from the able USDC Judge Tigar, on November 19, 2018. Fascinating -- and preposterous, all in one. [One recent backgrounder of mine, here.]

However, the agreed portions of the above five pager will likely mean that the able Judge Jon Tigar will order the below briefing schedule, in this San Francisco District Court litigation (Case No. 18-6810):

न Plaintiffs’ motion and memorandum in support due December 3

न Amicus briefs in support of Plaintiffs or [either or] neither party due December 5

न Defendants’ opposition due December 12 at noon Pacific Standard Time

न Amicus briefs in support of Defendants due December 12 at noon Pacific Standard Time

न Plaintiffs’ reply due December 14

न Hearing December 19. . . .

Now you know -- and we strongly suspect 45 orchestrated the confrontation on Sunday, at Tijuana -- as he last night lied shamelessly in Mississippi (on the Senatorial campaign trail) when he said four US border officers were "badly hurt" by rocks thrown, from the Tijuana side. The official written and filed US border report said all four officers were in riot gear, and the rocks bounced right off. No injuries. 45 is. . . a monster. And let's all hope Mike Espy wins a Senate seat, in Mississippi tonight. Onward.


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