Tuesday, October 30, 2018

[U] "...ALL Persons BORN... in the United States... ARE citizens of the United States..."

That, my friends, is what Section 1, Clause 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution says, in relevant part. Suck on that, 45.

UPDATED: Halloween Morning -- as if to confirm that it is all a ghastly ghosting holiday, Trump has tweeted that the end of the first sentence "subject to the jurisdiction thereof. . ." means people born here are NOT -- and may be deported. That phrase was added (according to the drafters of the amendment) to act as a savings clause ONLY for children of foreign diplomats, etc. -- who generally are NOT subject to US jurisdiction, unless they consent to be. If 45's lunatic reading is correct, then children born here (white or brown) may rightly argue the US cannot ever arrest them for any crime, small or large -- as they are not subject to US jurisdiction, by birth. Preposterous -- only Liberty U. "law grads" make such insane arguments. My latest tweet then:

In what can only be described as a "wing-nut" reading, Trump thus suggests the US couldn't arrest anyone born in the US -- as NOT "subject to the jurisdiction thereof". That bit refers to children of foreign diplomats (who are not generally subject to US jurisdiction). Idiot. [End, updated portion.]

Overnight -- in a move that should STILL be simply ignored as a midterm grandstand appeal to his xenophobic base elements -- 45 said he would sign an executive order to end it. Poppy-cock. Anyone born here is a citizen if they decide to apply to be one. That is a right expressly guaranteed by our Constitution, for more than 150 years now. The Cheato idiot can no more change that by an executive order, than he can dictate who wins the World Series (but let him try -- it distracts him from doing anything meaningful).

Okay. Very well, then. Let us move on. His executive order will need to be ratified by two-thirds of the states' legislatures (and both houses of Congress). Never happening.

He is a tyrant -- and a lying one, at that. Ignore his bluster. Onward, and forward we march -- to next Tuesday.


1 comment:

condor said...

In which the GOP begins to eat its own (this edition, SPeaker Ryan -- R, WI), due to the latest Trumpian lunacy:


I should add that although Cruz (R, TX) NOW says he favors the repeal of birthright citizenship. . . only four years ago, he specifically said he did not support it, as an Act of Congress would NOT be enough. He said to do so required a constitutional amendment -- as it obviously does.

So it is beyond peradventure that a simple cheeto executive order is. . . inadequate. [And that's aside from a simple plain English facial reading of the fourteenth amendment and its legislative history, here.]

Finally, Harry Reid (also quoted, by 45, in a 1995 clip) has repeatedly said he was wrong. It is now 2018 -- not 1995.

Trump is cutting his own party to ribbons, just six full days before mid-terms. . . that's one really stable. . .

G E N I U S.

Res Ispa, baby. . . .