Sunday, September 16, 2018

Honoring “The Mother” Of Our National Early Childhood Health Programs: Dr. Gertrude Hunter

 In the first years after President Kennedy's assassination, the Great Society programs he envisioned were implemented by LBJ.

And heading the effort -- as part of what was then called "Project Head Start" -- in health care for children, was Gertrude Hunter, MD. She was instrumental in seeing that US children would get basic dental care, nutrition assistance, immunizations and at least some routine health care screenings, for pre-schoolers of limited means. Mr. Trump threatens this legacy, but women in medicine -- and men -- will stand firm, against the cutting of kids of limited means' health care, to fund more billionaires' tax breaks and an insane border wall.

Here is the AMA's tweet honoring her work, today:

. . . .Today we celebrate Dr. Gertrude Hunter and her work to keep America’s children happy and healthy. During her time as national director of health services for Project Head Start, she helped implement the first national preschool health program. . .

Be sure to vote in November -- for health care champions, and between now and then -- do all you can to preserve the caring, compassionate and open society we call America.


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