Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Trump Political Appointee Lawyers' Pointy-Headed Failures... UPDATED.

Overnight, the lawyers for the ACLU were able to secure proof from their client's country of origin that she is in fact 19 years old -- not 17. As an adult, her case then transfers to ICE and DHS. [To be clear, it is reasonably likely that her pregnancy was the result of a rape -- as she was making the crossing to the United States of America. And still the Trump appointee-lawyers wanted to effectively force her to carry the embryo to term. Who are these people?]

Moreover, as an adult, the federal lawyers appointed by Trump now have no say in whether, or how, she obtains an abortion under state (Texas) law. She has complied with that state's requirements, and she will receive an abortion (likely this very morning) without using any state funds -- through a private charitable organization.

I might note that this development well highlights the lunacy of Trump's claim that he has the right to say she is not a "person" at all -- since she is here without papers, and yet he tries (vainly, it turns out) to declare the embryo growing in her body is a fully-fledged person, one that his federal honchos were allowed to regulate -- to the detriment of the mother. Insane. Here's that bit:

. . . .This morning, ORR determined that Ms. Roe is, in fact, nineteen years old, not seventeen as previously believed. (Attached as Ex. 1). This determination was made after ORR obtained a copy of Ms. Roe’s certificate of birth from her home country on December 18, 2017. . . .

Accordingly, ORR is currently transferring custody of Ms. Roe to the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) as an adult. ORR believes this transfer will be completed imminently. The transfer of custody to DHS’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement will materially affect the viability and review [of the government's claims]. . . .

ICE intends to release her immediately, on her own recognizance. As an adult, she is now free to use non-state funded abortion facilities without additional federal interference. Case mooted. And that is decidedly good news.



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