UPDATED: 09.08.2017 @ 2 PM EDT — The able judge has bumped up the date for the hearing, and the correlative dates for submission of briefs. We are now five days away from Marty’s likely incarceration. I’ve updated the order copy, below. I would say this is a strong indicator that the able judge is putting Martin behind bars.
This morning, Mr. Shkreli wrote -- on his Facebook page ". . .Fuck the government. I will never kiss their ring or snitch,” he wrote. “Come at me with you [sic] hardest because I haven’t seen anything impressive yet. . . ." I would expect that there is precious little his defense team can now say to prevent his incarceration.
End update.
We will save celestial wonders for tomorrow -- as breaking news out of Brooklyn may well mean that Martin Shkreli is in jail by a week from tonight. DO read on. . . .
Hat tip to FTD -- for this priceless find!
CNBC has it as well. But here is the motion to immediately revoke his freedom, pending sentencing on his three felony convictions.
Simply lovely -- read it all. It seems the Secret Service has had to increase protection around HRC -- due almost exclusively to his lunacy.
And -- now even his Lauren Duca threats are being cited by the AUSAs:
. . . .Near the end of his trial and since his conviction on August 4, 2017, Shkreli has made at least two public statements harassing specific women. As has been widely reported, Shkreli was banned from Twitter in January 2017 after harassing journalist Lauren Duca.
In early January 2017, Shkreli had sent Duca a message via Twitter asking her to be his “+1” or companion to the inauguration of President Donald Trump. (See Exs. A & B.) Duca publicly rejected the request. In response, Shkreli called Duca a “cold you know what” on Twitter and famously changed his Twitter profile picture to a doctored image appearing to show Duca on his lap on a couch.(Id.). This conduct earned Shkreli a ban from Twitter. On July 27, 2017 — on the eve of the final trial summations — Shkreli made the following statements on Facebook: “Trial’s over tomorrow, bitches. Then if I’m acquitted, I get to fuck Lauren Duca[.]” He added, “And Anna Kasperian, she’s pretty hot,” referring to a political pundit.
Thus, just as the case was to be submitted to the jury, Shkreli made a public threat against two women whom he dislikes and with whom he has feuded in the past. . . .
Here is the order, for the hearing come one week from today, at 4 PM EDT -- in Brooklyn:

Say bub-bye, Marty. You have likely lost your pre-sentencing temporary freedom -- entirely due to your own idiocy. What a. . . tool.
The AUSAs definitely have a motivational bulletin board somewhere -- with Marty's endlessly threatening Facebook (and now ebay) posts tacked up. Hilarious.
Yep that's your karma calling Marty. Buckle up.
just adding another thought around Martin and pharma:
Thank you so much, Anon.!
This is a great find, and (as a small plug) we have been covering all of the Humanigen/Kalobios chagas project news of late at another property. Dr. Cameron Durrant did a nice job in trying to be responsible about his benz- program, but Shkreli's taint/stench was simply unshakable. . . that's my take.
As it pertains to the convicted felon, proper now -- I see him getting a minimum of 45 days in the can, starting next Thursday evening, as a result of his own stupid lunacy. There is a specific felony statute, against bothering the families of former Presidents. What a tool.
Or. . . maybe the able Judge will order an involuntary 30 day psych hold and eval -- at a NY state mental hospital. That would rock his lil' world.
We shall see next Thursday afternoon -- six days from now.
Have a great weekend. . . and do enjoy being free, in the free-est country on Earth -- note it as a sharp contrast to Marty's fast approaching new world. Smile.
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