Monday, January 6, 2025

[U, X7: Rulings Expected @ 2:55 pm Eastern!] The "Dumb And Dumber" Show Continues In Manhattan USDC, With Hizzoner In The Leading Role... Yikes!

This will be a thread of live-tweeted questions and answers, under oath, of Mr. Giuliani -- most minutes after they are asked and answered, before USDC Judge Liman, in the ongoing contempt hearing -- in Courtroom 15C, at Foley Square. [I'll likely leave them here, without additional comment, as USDC Judge Liman is doing an excellent job of explaining why they are important.]

Rudy's lawyer (primarily a divorce and PI guy) keeps asking Rudy questions that would cause him (if he answers truthfully) to waive his attorney client privilege (on lots of matters, and might implicate the crime / fraud doctrine of waiver). Judge Liman has now warned him three times that if he asks another such question, the Judge will allow Willkie Farr lawyers (for the plaintiff-election workers) to ask questions about the advice of Rudy's former lawyer, Caruso.

This is now a textbook case of how NOT to conduct direct examination in a federal contempt hearing, for failure to comply with discovery orders. Damn:

. . . .Inner City Press


Cammarata: Mayor Giuliani, did you make any efforts to comply with court orders?

Giuliani: To the best of my ability, yes.

Cammarata: Can you explain if you violated any court orders?

Giuliani: Some of these interrogatories were traps, so I was wary of them.

Cammarata: Did anyone tell you to ignore court orders?

Plaintiffs' lawyer Larsen: Objection!

Judge Liman: If you ask that, I'm going to allow inquiry into his communications with lawyers. . . . 10:52 AM EST · Jan 6, 2025. . . .

Cammarata: To the extent you may not have complied, why?

Giuliani: As you know I do not trust the plaintiffs, for example asking for all lawyers I spoke to. I have a principled objection. Some documents I can find, using my prior experience. We can supply them. . . .

Cammarata: When did you start relying on others to answer things?

Giulani: When I was assistant to Judge Tyler at the Justice Department. Then as US Attorney, Mayor, then running the second highest security business in the world. I relied on my staff. . . .

Larsen: What about your Proton mail account?

Giuliani: I removed those, except Trump.

Giuliani: I kept the proton emails about the Trump cases.

Larsen: Why did you choose Protonmail?

Giuliani: After the FBI seized my other account and I found they were surveilling my iCloud account as soon as I represented Donald J. Trump.

Larsen: Did you preserve those emails?

Giuliani: I don't know. I set it up fast after the FBI raid.

Judge Liman: When was that?

Giuliani: April of 2022.

Larsen: Do you use a computer?

Giuliani: I don't. Except to do our live cast. I use an iPhone and an iPad.

Larsen: Can you receive instant messages [sic] on X?

Giuliani: I only use it for the show.

Larsen: Do you use text messages?

Giuliani: Two to 15 times a day.

Larsen: Do you get them on your iPad?

Giuliani: I'm not sure. . . .

[Update No. 4] Larsen: So your answer on messaging was untrue?

Giuliani: I thought it only meant private messaging. I only use Truth to promote the show. People respond, it's all public. I don't do individual messaging through social media.

Larsen: Let me show you these emails. . .

Cammarata: I object as beyond the scope.

Judge Liman: Overruled. He gave a wide scope of testimony.

Larsen: You did not produce this email?

Giuliani: I may [not] have.

[Email from Maria Ryan to Heath Berger, about use of credit cards. . . .]

Larsen: What about this email?

Giuliani: I was going to cover the eclipse in New Hampshire for my show America's Mayor Live - which I did, for two days.

Larsen: But you didn't produce this email, based on your own claims of privilege?

Giuliani: Yes. . . [Now, breaking -- for lunch, in Manhattan].

[After lunch; Update No. 5 -- πs' lawyers are asking that, as part of contempt, Judge Liman draw adverse inferences (that Rudy was lying, and being evasive) about homestead matter, in Florida, because he knew he'd lose -- on completely truthful answers.]

Judge Liman: You're asking me to draw an inference on an ultimate question in the homestead case, that none of the doctors were in the Florida area? Nathan: You can draw inferences from the defendant's refusal to provide discovery information. Rule 37 allows it. . . .

Nathan: On Interrogatory 8, Mr. Giuliani has admitted to accounts he did not tell us about. . . He took no steps to produce any of his email. That's enough to grant us relief. The Caruso declaration is just the icing on the cake. We can be granted relief without it, actually. . . .

Nathan: This comes down to the principle that a party cannot benefit from not complying with court orders. Specific deterrence may be a lost cause with this defendant, but general deterrence is important. . . .

[Update @ 11:15 AM EST] USDC Judge Liman just asked Cammarata to "move it along". He's apparently thumbing through papers, and taking minutes between each question -- and the able USDC Judge is growing impatient.

[Update No. 3] In any event, soon enough comes the cross examination by the plaintiffs' lawyers is now underway, when all the truths will out.

Rudy is setting himself up for a complete loss here -- if not a few nights in jail, for contempt. Wow.

Update No. 6: Rudy's lawyer just told the judge that because Willkie Farr is handling the matter pro bono, Rudy's lies and evasions have "caused no harm". By this, I take it he means that the plaintiffs have not had to pay their lawyers MORE -- out of pocket -- to run Hizzoner's duplicity to ground. Poppy-cock. The harm is also to the overburdening a federal court with two days of completely wasteful, meandering and convoluted proceedings -- obviated, if Rudy had just obeyed the law and federal civ. pro. rules.

He may not get jail, but Rudy has lost his claim to keep a "Florida homestead" now. He's. . . toast, in Condor's experienced opinion.

Rudy also showed his grandfather's gold watch in court today, having previously claimed he didn't obey the court's order because he didn't want that watch "lost". That watch is now -- and (since October 2024 at least) has been -- the sole property of the πs, here. D A M N.

It is manifestly not for him to decide which watches he will surrender, and I expect Judge Liman will forcefully make this point in his orders, shortly. Ole' Giuliani thinks (like Tangerine) that he is above the law. That must end, and end now. Out.


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