Sunday, April 7, 2024

It Is Interesting To Me That Those Who Believe In Med-Tech... Report Feeling More Healthy, Than "Distrusters"...

Not too long ago, Pfizer conducted some surveys -- to assess how the public reacts to technological innovations in the delivery of healthcare in our post industrial society.

The findings are more than a little fascinating. But unsurprisingly, "Boomers" as a group, do deeply distrust tech (not I, though!) in healthcare. Do look at the whole PDF, rather than relying on my callouts at right, before you make a final judgment -- there is much more there. . . but it is gratifying that those who most trust health-tech are the ones who are most likely to self-report feeling "healthy".

And yet. . . this may be the least surprising finding of all:

. . .Survey respondents with limited income, lower education levels and obstacles to health literacy -- who are likely already experiencing health inequities -- stand to gain significantly from advancements in healthcare technology. . . .

Now you know. Onward to a gray dawn. . . smiling just the same, though.


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