Friday, March 1, 2024

AIM -- NASA's "Top O' The Clouds Mission" Comes To An End -- After 16 Years Of Excellent Science...

No word yet on plans to de-orbit the spacecraft into the Pacific, but no doubt that will be the goal -- a safe re-entry.

The craft's main battery failed just about a year ago -- about 7 X beyond its designed life span. Here's the story -- from NASA:

. . .After 16 years studying Earth’s highest clouds for the benefit of humanity – polar mesospheric clouds – from its orbit some 350 miles above the ground, NASA’s Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere, or AIM, mission has come to an end.

Initially slated for a three-year mission, AIM was extended numerous times due to its high science return. While AIM has faced hurdles over the years – from software hiccups to hardware issues – an incredibly dedicated team kept the spacecraft running for much longer than anyone could have anticipated.

On March 13, 2023, the spacecraft’s battery failed following several years of declining performance. Multiple attempts to maintain power to the spacecraft were made, but no further data could be collected, so the mission has now ended. . . .

Over the years, AIM made many big discoveries. Data from the mission has thus far led to nearly 400 peer-reviewed publications. This includes findings on how these clouds can be created by meteor smoke and water vapor from rocket exhaust, how events near Earth’s surface can trigger changes in the clouds, and how ice high in the atmosphere can cause mysterious radar echoes, which are created in certain regions of the atmosphere during the summer. . . .

Now you know. Grinning here. . . .


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