Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Confidential Tangerine Note: When A NY Trial Court Finds You Liable For $464 Million IN FRAUDS -- You Aren't Allowed To Just Say "Trust Me, I'm Good For It."

Not that this should be in any manner surprising, but in order to stop around $112,000 per day in interest owed, and just to file his appeal in the NY AG matter, an appellate court just ruled he'll need to post the full amount as a bond. That's nearly a half billion -- and over a half billion dollars -- when one considers he must post another $83 million to appeal the E. Jean Carroll loss (defamation).

This is the way. . . the Trumpy ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper. He literally doesn't have that on hand. He's going to have to sell assets -- perhaps several buildings, and even, perhaps. . . Mar-A-Lago. Excellent, as once you're found by the courts to be a tax- and loan cheat, we shouldn't accept your IOUs, any longer, son.

. . .[Tangerine] lost big today in his desire to hit pause on the $464 million judgement he owes out of a New York fraud trial. . . .

In his second swing at getting the big bucks judgment and $112,000 per day in interest personally halted, the self-declared billionaire former president and de facto Republican nominee had already been forced to eat crow earlier.

Pulling a typical Trump move, the ex-Celebrity Apprentice host pleaded relatively poverty and admitted that he would be forced to sell some of his real estate properties if the court declined his stay request. . . .

That's. . . justice -- and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Out.


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