Sunday, January 14, 2024

Amazon Labor Union Update -- JFK8 Facility To Hold A "All Hands" Union Meeting February 24 or 25, 2024 --To Discuss Officer Slates, And Amendments To Bylaws...

We had not covered this smallish piece of internecine litigation before, as we knew the parties would wisely agree to settle their differences, and now that is exactly what has happened. The ALU, led by Mr. Smalls, has agreed to hold a mass meeting in late February, so that all members may weigh in on resolving what 40 or so dissenters claim is. . . too much power concentrated in Mr. Smalls' hands by the by-laws.

I will now predict that the dissenters will see the error of their ways; Mr. Smalls will remain in charge, but the 40 will see at least a few representatives added to the governing board. Here's the latest, from Bloomberg Law -- and now the ALU may return to getting a bargaining session called with the recalcitrant Amazon management, the real villian -- in this three act play:

. . Inc.'s first labor union has reached a settlement agreement with a group of dissenters who accused leaders of illegally preventing officer elections to retain power.

The parties agreed to set aside their differences and hold a mass meeting next month to discuss officer elections as well as changes to the union constitution, according to the consent order entered Wednesday in the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. . . .

Now you know -- Dr. King would applaud Mr. Smalls' wisdom here. Onward.


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