Saturday, December 9, 2023

Texas State Supreme Court Beclowns Itself.

Apparently around midnight, between Thursday night and Friday morning, the state Supremes in Texas placed a hold on a married woman's lower court order, one "allowing" her to terminate a non-viable pregnancy at 20 weeks, where her doctor testified that she is being endangered by carrying to term.

The facts. . . admit to only one conclusion: Texas is indeed a hellscape. . . ruled by hard right largely whyte mediocre old men, plainly including the state's highest court -- where six of nine of those codgers think they own women's bodies.

Here's the self-mocking order. These good ole' boys won't even say when they will rule. . . on a medically-needed procedure. When they might condescend to "allow" the doctor and patient the privilege of protecting her life and health.

Texas's highest court is populated with. . . village idiots. But apparently, ones beholden enough (and elected to six year terms) to MAGA Gov. Abbott. . . to be. . . useful idiots.

Damnation. We will keep you updated.


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