Tuesday, June 13, 2023

[U: Mr. Kise Retained.] Tangerine’s Perp Walk May NOT Happen Tuesday: He Doesn’t Have Any Local Miami Counsel, Anymore.

Updated: Here on Tuesday morning, Mr. Kise (who is admitted in Florida) has agreed to act as "sponsor" for Mr. Blanche (admitted only in NY), to allow the latter's pro hac vice appearance at the arraignment. So -- it will go forward today, after all. All of the below still applies, though, in spades. Grin -- end update.

This is all a direct consequence of lying to a wide array of his lawyers, in felony matters: good lawyers won’t want to risk their Florida license for him.

He has a NY lawyer for tomorrow, but local Florida federal bar rules require a Florida admitted lawyer sign on to all filings.

None has yet agreed to so serve, apparently, as of 11 pm Eastern on June 12, 2023.

So he may not be arraigned tomorrow — it may slide for a few days [though technically, he can be arrested, finger-printed, mug shot and released — all without local counsel, if the Special Counsel and AUSAs (prosecutors) so consent].

What a tangled web he’s spun himself up into.

How very… droll. The purported former leader of the free world… cannot find a lawyer.

It would seem Voltaire was right: “verily, a man may be by his lawyer, known — the sharp employ the sharp…”

And — obviously, here — the converse also applies.



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