Wednesday, February 22, 2023

[U X2: Rejected By The Clerk Of Court!? -- Now Avail.] In The "You Can't Teach Some People... Anything" Dept.

SECOND UPDATE -- @ 9 PM EST -- The Team Tangerine documents are back online in NYC tonight, and yet remain every bit as turgid as the first two batches. In addition, the able Assistant NY AG asks the judge to no longer blithely accept Trump's foot dragging conduct, in waiting to the close of discovery, to first schedule his own witnesses, for deppos -- people he's known about for years and years. This should prevail. End, second update of the evening.

Not ten minutes after I accessed, linked and quoted the below. . . all 25 or so Answers by Tangerine entities. . . were inactivated by the court clerk, electronically.

I did not download the PDF -- but I saw it, at page 48, for a few moments -- as below. This one is going to get. . . hot, and rapidly. [I will leave my broken link below -- as that is where it was -- for a moment.] Stay tuned. End, update.

We earlier mentioned that Tangerine's civil NY fraud lawyers were repeatedly warned not to waste time repeating arguments he'd already been overrulled on by the able NY State Judge Engoran, in Tish James' long running NY AG suit for frauds -- against him and his entities.

Ahem. He's now refiled, for a THIRD time -- and. . . we see this, at page 48, in Tangerine's "answers" -- in direct defiance of Judge Engoran's explicit law of the case, ruling Tangerine is barred from making arguments he already repeatedly lost on -- like that the NY AG has no power to enforce the law against him, as written:

. . .The Attorney General has no authority, capacity, or standing to bring a claim under Executive Law § 63(12) based upon the facts alleged. . . .

What an idiot. He, and his NY lawyers may well get jailed for a bit, for contempt now -- behind this garbage. Just some trivial housekeeping, on a snowy afternoon. Grin. . . we will keep you posted. But he just filed this garbage (again!) this afternoon.


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