Saturday, January 21, 2023

Ms. Brianne Murphy And Martin Shkreli Only Have Until February 10 To Answer Contempt Charge In Manhattan...

As of yesterday evening, the able USDC Cote had reviewed the FTC's moving papers and memo of law in Manhattan, and entered a short order telling Martin he must answer the charges by February 10 or be held in contempt immediately thereafter.

The wrinkle here is that after Duane Morris withdrew (for non-payment of legal fees), early last Spring... Martin officially has no counsel in this matter. He indicated that Ms. Brianne Murphy was the lawyer who would be in touch with the FTC, in earlier failures to complete his quarterly reports to the FTC averring that he was NOT presently involved in the drug industry verticals, and that he STILL has no means of paying the various judgments against him, which now approach $50 million (with interest accruing daily).

But all the Fall / Winter 2022 calls by FTC to Ms. Murphy went to voicemail, and were not returned, according to the FTC's sworn pleadings.

So, Judge Cote has ordered the FTC to serve her AND Martin with these Feb. 10 return date orders.

Now you know, but it may well be that Martin has not paid Ms. Murphy what he owes her either.

So, she would be well within her rights (since this is a civil, not criminal matter) to simply say so, and say she has fired him, as a client. To withdraw.

Finally, the FTC has hinted in its papers that it thinks Martin is not being forthcoming about his remaining (or newly acquired) means of support.

The hint there would be that he was behind the rug pull on the Shkreli.inu coin, this summer -- that looks to have netted someone over $400,000. Not a huge amount in the grand scheme of what he still owes, but he would have been required to have disclosed that income source to the FTC and AUSAs in Brooklyn, under his terms of early release -- or he could (emphasis could) be remanded to FCI Allenwood (Low) to finish the rest of his sentence, or to serve out his eventual contempt citation's duration.

Should be. . . entertaining.



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