Well -- first, the caveats: this has nothing to do, in any manner, with the current state of pharma, nor the current crypto-world travails (legion though they are -- with SBF now being held, without bail, in the notorious Fox Hill prison in the Bahamas). . . nor anything properly to do with Martin Shkreli's legal problems. [It is cross posted, from another of our properties -- as pure trivia / filler.]
The MSM is cheering a nice result at Lawrence Livermore Labs, on fusion as a power source matters. But it is not the end of our dependence on dirty petro-chemicals, or coal. Most likely not before 2050, and perhaps not until 2100. So we need to be realistic. We STILL need to solve our energy inversion curve. Like yesterday. Next topics:
Apparently out of sheer boredom -- from his tiny Brooklyn apartment, yesterday. . . Martin Shkreli went live on YouTube to discuss his "theory" about the identity of Satoshi.
Several experts even appeared in his comments, on the stream to debunk his claims.
But most of all, this is an old (2019 era, while Martin was still doing a bid) -- and almost certainly, discredited claim. [FYI, the guy he claims is Satoshi... is not Craig Wright. Heh.] And the only real evidence for his candidate is a message from Hal Finney -- but the taxonomy used to sign that message. . . did not yet exist, at near the supposed Satoshi-involved time -- the supposed time of the sending of that message.
So all Martin has "proved" (again) is that someone had access to Hal Finney's keys, well after the time of the creation of the so-called genesis block. Perhaps up to nine years later. [Hal Finney is long dead (may he rest in peace), so his own replies to claims about his activities from a decade ago. . . are definitively conveniently. . . silenced.]
Y A W N.
As I say. . . this is no news, at all. These exact same items -- and claims -- were first debunked over four years ago, by Peter Wuille, and by Greg Maxwell, independently.
But this all seems to be the "New" Martin's troll activity: take old crap and make new claims about it (witness the archive / legacy image, at right -- he is trying to retread his failed, and defunct, Gödel software company, too).
Smiling -- out. Only four days until the Sonoran desert winds. . . call me to. . . thaw out, again -- for a month.

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