Friday, August 26, 2022

So -- This Is More Encouraging News... Of Wrongs, Being Righted. Children At The Border Edition, Updated.

I actually downloaded this over a week ago, but just haven't had the time to write it up. And even now, this will be a quick thumbnail version.

Back in the Days of Tangerine, one Trump lawyer after another argued -- even before the Ninth Circuit, after losing at trial -- that no law required giving CHILDREN seeking asylum. . . a bar of soap, a washcloth, a toothbrush -- or bedding of any kind. [That is flatly wrong on the law, BTW. See the UN Protocol.]

C H I L D R E N.

Most of them alone (some under the age of six, simply left with other children, not related to them, by the US border guards / ICE!), without their parents / guardians, because Tangerine's orders were to forcibly separate families one from another, at the border.

Well -- with a new administration, the United States began to take its treaty obligations. . . seriously again. And all of the lawlessness and cruelty was ended.

So much so, that now all the children new, and already in process, as of August 2. 2022 -- have (per a USDC Dolly Gee signed order) a specific minor children's health care and safety monitor and liaison, without need for any more judicial intervention. That is very good news. Onward, smiling now.


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