Sunday, June 5, 2022

And -- I'm Overdue On This, But Microsoft Proves That Big Companies Can... "Learn To Read The Room".

This is from Friday past (in Fortune), but it encapsulates all the essence of my advice -- from the prior three months on this topic.

Microsoft is waking up. This is the way to adapt; to show respect for talent -- and to keep these elusive tech workers. . . engaged and committed -- beyond the paycheck. Go read it all:

. . .Microsoft president Brad Smith announced, in a Thursday blog post, a “new set of principles” for the tech giant’s approach to organized labor that “will make it simpler, rather than more difficult” for employees to form or join a union.

Both Amazon CEO Andy Jassy and Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz have said their companies are better off without unions, but Smith struck a different tone, saying, “We know that we have a lot to learn.” He pointed to his own experience directing European and corporate legal affairs as evidence of the company’s past collaborative experiences with work councils and unions outside of the U.S.

Smith said the company has talked with labor, business, and academic leaders in recent months as it formed a “new set of principles.” He emphasized that Microsoft recognizes “we have far more learning ahead of us than behind us. . . ."

When you know better -- you may do. . . better. Word -- g'night. . . .


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