Saturday, March 26, 2022

Some Exciting "Mystery" News, Scheduled As A Teaser -- By NASA/Hubble For Next Wednesday...

Once again, we have a celestial mystery on our hands.

But this one is. . . created from whole cloth, by the NASA PR mavens. They are sitting on some news, and likely creating videos and graphics, in a short plain English explainer -- all before holding the press event next Wednesday. [They likely also do not want to overshadow the return of the US's longest orbiting astronaut early in the week.]

In any event, our money is on the discovery of more promising exo-planets (we have found over 5,000 so far!), with a schedule to have the new next gen scope train its hexagonal mirrors on the candidate -- for deeper analysis. Here's the bit, from's feed overnight:

. . .Officials with the Hubble Space Telescope program have some new science to share on Wednesday (March 30).

A NASA statement promises "one for the record books" and an "exciting new observation" from the nearly 32-year-old telescope. It's tricky to guess what that discovery might be, given that the Hubble Space Telescope's work stretches from exoplanets to galaxies to measuring the expansion of the universe. (That last bit garnered the multiobservatory team a Nobel Prize.)

NASA has offered little other information beyond promising that the "Hubble result not only extends our understanding of the universe, but creates an exciting area of research for Hubble's future work with NASA's newly-launched [name redacted] Space Telescope. . . ."

We will keep you apprised, of that you may rest assured. Grinning -- these little known, local Jesuit schools, year after year -- just outperform all expectations at the big dance. . . and despite our philosophical differences, here -- let's hope that New Orleans. . . is kind to the Peacocks.


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