Wednesday, March 10, 2021

At Yesterday's Status Hearing In Texas, Judge Tipton Simply "Kicked The Can Down The Road" Again -- To May 27, 2021...

As it is clear that he relishes the limelight this case affords him, I decided not to live blog it.

Indeed, though, I did listen in. It was alarmingly apparent from the go, that USDC Judge Drew Bruce Tipton views these hearings as his own bully-pulpit -- to make political speeches, as opposed to seek legal solutions. And the fact of the matter is that Mr. Biden will have a permanent rule out shortly that ends (moots) the injunction, entirely. So, in a matter of weeks, Tipton's 15 minutes will be. . . over.

Even the PACER minute order he entered after the hearing reflected an entire paragraph of his ongoing political screed, rather than just what the law required of him, so (after sleeping on it, overnight) I have chosen to omit it -- and leave ellipses in its place. My internal debate was over whether the damage done to undocumented persons, by too broadly painting them as dangerous outweighed the need of the public to know that this federal judge seems to harbor a firm bias against undocumented persons, before his bench. I decided on the former, not the latter. Doubly so, since he will soon be. . . rendered a nullity, by intervening new rules, and thus off the nation's radar.

. . .Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Drew B Tipton.

STATUS CONFERENCE held on 3/9/2021.

The United States deadline for filing an Answer is extended to May 27, 2021.

The Parties have agreed to stay discovery until the United States Answers. . . . [Redacted.]

The Court instructs counsel for the United States to provide the name of the individual within DHS that has instructed ICE to not remove aliens who have committed felonies and who are completing their federal sentences, as well as the name of the individual within DHS that has instructed ICE to not remove aliens who have committed felonies and have requested to be deported.

Appearances: Kathryn Lynn Huddleston, Adam David Kirschner, Todd Lawrence Disher, Patrick K Sweeten, Daniel David Hu.(Digital # 10:01-10:23)(ERO:Verlinda Rios), filed.(KelliePapaioannou, 2) (Entered: 03/10/2021). . . .

It is genuinely disconcerting that the judge grounds his on the record in court remarks in political talking points, rather than simply reading the controlling US Supreme Court cases, and tossing the matter since Texas manifestly lacks standing. But soon enough -- soon enough -- he will be. . . undone. Onward, with a wry smile.


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