Friday, December 11, 2020

We Have One mRNA Vaccine Approval -- For Emergency Workers -- But We Should Take Heed: As Maskless "Superspreader" Events In DC Continue...

I am thrilled that Pfizer's candidate has received emergency use authorization. And with 300,000 deaths highly likely before Christmas now. . . we are certainly in. . . emergency authorized mode in the US.

Rather than take an unearned, wildly-too-early victory lap, this morning, I'd prefer if DC generally -- both Democrats and Republicans (but mostly Republicans) would take a close look at how quickly maskless, close quarters events may (and in fact, do) turn into super-spreading tendrils of suffering. Consider that Rudy G., and Jenna Ellis and dozens of others regularly attend 1600 Penn events in close quarters without masks. Here, from MassLive, is the summary:

. . .A two-day international business conference in Boston early in the pandemic was likely a super-spreader event that has been linked to as many as 300,000 coronavirus cases worldwide, according to a new scientific study released on Thursday.

The study, published in the journal Science by lead author Jacob Lemieux of Massachusetts General Hospital, found that the event is responsible for roughly 1.6 percent of all U.S. cases since the onset of the pandemic.

According to The Boston Globe, the Biogen conference was held at Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel between Feb. 26-27 with approximately 175 participants. . . .

And to be clear, Biogen is a fine life sciences company -- I do not mean to pick on them, but the fact is that we can now prove the spread is a nearly vertical geometric progression, if not clamped off, very early. I sure wish Agent Orange. . . could read -- and would. . . read.

Even so, and still, we will get through this, in spite of him -- onward, with science leading us. . . I will keep smiling. . . . be excellent to one another, and stay safe!


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