Thursday, December 3, 2020

It Is Not At All Surprising -- To Learn These Are Trump Supporters. Note His Headband.

I think we will just let the internet. . . identify, and deal with. . . these dead enders. They destroyed the third monolith less than 48 hours after it appeared.

The long form streaming video is a cesspool of hatred, xenophobia and mediocre white boy entitlement -- I'll not link it (search google video for Pine Mountain, CA if you want to see for yourself). So I do not feel bad about asking the collected wisdom of Twitter to go find them. And name them.

It is true that they tore down something that hadn't been given a permit, on public land -- but they also place an unpermitted item, on the same public land. It too is now gone. Karma, boys. Here's a bit -- from the local media in town:

. . .On Wednesday afternoon, the City of Atascadero received reports from hikers of a steel monolith at the top of Pine Mountain in Stadium Park. Overnight, the monolith disappeared. All that remained as of Thursday morning was a hole with rebar sticking out.

Videos of a group of vandals removing the monolith were posted to DLive, a blockchain file-sharing website. The lengthy videos, titled “Monolith Raid,” were posted on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning by a user named CultureWarCriminal. They can be seen here. Viewer discretion is advised.

A report on the video by Vice says “. . .three men are seen pushing the statue over and chanting ‘America First’ and ‘Christ is King.’ The men, one of whom was wearing a ‘Make America Great Again’ headband, called part of the monolith’s construction ‘gay’ then replaced. . . monolith with a wooden cross. . . .”

The cross also was subsequently removed, by other hikers. All in all -- I think McCracken's point has been well made. These kids absolutely are the post-monolith hominids in the opening sequence of "2001". Out.


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