Monday, August 24, 2020

Another Young Man, In Louisiana -- And Another, In Kenosha, Wisconsin... Overnight. Roger Goodell: "Too little; too late."

I will be brief -- as I am largely out of words. NFL Commish Goodell, above and at right, tells us he wishes to atone for marginalizing Kap.

Trump continues to affirmatively lie -- and will tonight, at his "Klan-demic gathering" -- about what these kneelings, he now well-knows -- mean. [Here's a nutty idea, Roger (and one that might actually do some good!) -- why not now loudly denounce Trump, for his libelous lies about it all? Why, indeed?!]

All as just this weekend, two more unarmed young black men are shot by local law enforcement.

This is... too little; too late, Roger.

Everyone else: get out and vote, either in person or by mail, and leave no doubt: get rid of the racist in chief.



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