Saturday, July 18, 2020

Roger Stone's Felony Convictions... To Be "UN-Commuted" -- Shortly?

Here is the able professors' motion for leave to file an amicus brief, with Judge Amy Berman Jackson, in the trial level federal courthouse, sitting in the District of Columbia.

To be clear, the professors, as non-parties, seek to assert the "We, the people's" right -- in seeing that justice is done, in this criminal matter.

And to ensure that we, the people. . . are not once again subjected to the claims and corruptions of an "infallible" Faux-King, here over 240 years on. [See, A. Hamilton, in particular.]

[More precisely, to the extent Trump is thereby protecting someone who has covered up Trump's own crimes, that would violate "self-pardon" doctrines embedded in our Constitutional jurisprudence.]

To get to it, then -- the most important bit of this five page filing is highlighted in yellow, at right (click it to enlarge -- a clean version). The next question is whether the able USDC Judge will allow the actual brief to be filed. I predict she will.

And so, Roger Stone shouldn't get too terribly comfy -- at home. The power of pardon/commutation is not. . . absolute.

He may end up going inside, afterall.


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